Customizing Build-in Binding in KnockoutJs using PhoneGap

Knockout.Js not only gives us the ability to use build-in bindings but also allows us to use our own custom bindings. In this blog, we will basically look into creating the custom bindings for Knockout.Js using PhoneGap.

Creating custom binding is much easier than ever. Before moving forward, we need to get into the basic structure to register our custom binding. To register a custom binding, we need to add it as a sub-property to ko.bindingHandlers. Continue reading

Video tutorial to delete specific row from a table view in Alloy using Titanium

Introduction :

As we can dynamically add rows to a table view, we can also delete a specific row from a table view.

Titanium provides ‘deleteRow’ method using which we can delete any row.

With the help of below video, I am going to describe the way to delete row.

Summary :

So using the above code block we can add the functionality to delete any specific row from a table view.


Written ByRaju Mahato, Software Developer, Mindfire Solutions

Page Navigation using Director Class with Corona SDK

In every application we have different pages to hold different components and we need to navigate from one to another. With the Corona SDK, we have different ways for page navigation like navigation using director class, storyboard and so on. So here we will discuss about the page navigation using ‘director.lua’ class.

Suppose we have two windows, window1 and window2 and every application prepared with Corona have a landing page or we can say it as a start page for the application named as ‘main.lua’. If someone renames this file then app will not run. In order to use director class we need to put the director.lua file to root directory of the project with main.lua file.

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Modal popup in Titanium

Now a day it’s common to show messages in websites using modal popup. Here I have tried to make a custom modal window that can be used to show messages.

There will be button on a window, on click of which a modal popup will appear on screen and then if we click outside of the message view, the popup window will get closed.

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Memory Management in Titanium Application

A virtual place which is totally responsible to store and hold our data in this virtual world of mobile or internet is Memory. As this is limited in mobile devices so while developing any application used by them, we should keep this Memory in our mind. And due to this step of Memory Management comes to play.

Memory and storage are looks similar but if we look closely, can find that Memory are volatile location where application and its related data are stored temporarily when application get processed. And the storage had the places where we store our data as long as we need. In mobile devices both storage and memory related things are handled by ship and also by SD Card. Memory spaces varying device to device. In any device there is a limitation for memory consumed by different application and it also varied from device to device. So memory consumed by our application should not exceed the memory limitation provided on device. Violation of this will result crashing of that application unexpectedly. That’s why memory management is the crucial thing that we need to be handled carefully while developing any application.

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Custom Tab with Smooth Animation using Titanium Framework

Here is a sample code to make custom tab and open their corresponding views with a smooth animation.

//Define current window
var currentWin = Ti.UI.currentWindow;

//Define the first tab
var firstTab= Ti.UI.createView({

width                  :100,
height                 :50,
left                     : 65,
top                     : 0,
opacity               : 0.5,
backgroundColor :’red’

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