Webview loaded with local html file in Titanium

Introduction :
Webview is generally used to view external website or its content at any instance of our application. Addition to this functionality we can also load html file content resides to our app directory on webview.

Summary :
Here we have seen the way to load any html file content to any webview using its ‘url’ property provided by Titanium.


Presented By: Raju Mahato, Software Developer, Mindfire Solutions

Webview to load external web link in Titanium

Introduction :
Webview API in Titanium is used to view/load external website or its content at any instance of our application. It can also load local html file content.

Summary :

So with above video, I have demonstrated you the way to load/view any external website with webview at any instance of our app.


Presented By: Raju Mahato, Software Developer, Mindfire Solutions

Handling PhoneGap iOS Application Using Custom URL Scheme

Custom URL scheme is the mechanism through which third party applications can interact with each other. Suppose we want an interaction between our app and the default email application in the device. Apps that support custom URL schemes can use the schemes to communicate with other applications and also initiate specific tasks. For example, an app can open from default email app in IOS devices using custom URL.

To communicate with an app using a custom URL, we need to register the custom URL scheme in our appname-info.plist file. Apple by default supports for the http, mailto, tel, and SMS URL schemes. So if our URL scheme matches with the scheme mentioned by Apple then the Apple provided application will launch instead of our application. Therefore we need to be very careful before declaring the scheme.

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